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Thank you for purchasing a Lydy reusable lid 

Plastic Coffee Cup lids are made from #6 plastic, which is polystyrene. This type of plastic is very difficult to recycle and studies have shown, it leaches toxins when heated. If left in landfill, a single lid takes approximately 450 years to decompose. During this process the plastic breaks down into micro plastics which can be ingested by animals and humans, causing harm. 

Win a reusable Lydy for Plastic Free July!

After your have purchased your Lydy from Coconut Coffee in July 2023, you will be given a unique code to be eligible to enter. 

*Please enter your details here 

*Tell us in 25 words or less why you should win a free Lydy for plastic free July. 

*Enter your code 

 *Like our Instagram and Facebook pages where winner will be announced.

* Free Lydy of random colour will be given out to the winner at the end of Plastic Free July 2023

Good Luck


Email Address*


Your unique code we gave you at time of purchase*

Mobile Phone Number*

Put a lid on plastic

Did you know that one small cafe can go through 70,000 plastic lids a year? 

There are now more options for plastic free takeaway cups that are biodegradable, compostable and/or recyclable. However, did you know that without the right amount of organic waste, the right temperatures and the right amount of oxygen, even biodegradable material doesn’t break down with much difference to non biodegradable material.. we don’t actually have commercial composting facilities for our waste here in Australia at all. 

This brings us to this fact, using a Lydy reusable lid everyday can drastically reduce plastic lids ending up in landfill and in our oceans.

Thank you for choosing Lydy. 

Your Eco friendly best friend 

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